

Warranty – How does it work?


Warranty on windows is one of the indicators of a company’s commitment to long-term work and partnership.

However, there are cases where the term “warranty” is used purely for advertising purposes, leading to comical “warranties” that are far from reality.

How to distinguish a genuine warranty from a marketing tool? It’s simple!

Warranty from Nobilex:

  • It is activated and applies when windows are ordered “turnkey” – measurements, manufacturing, delivery, removal of old structures if necessary, and installation of windows are carried out comprehensively by a certified team.
  • It covers products used for their intended purpose, without violating the terms and rules of operation or altering the structure itself.

Take care of your windows to avoid mechanical damage, keep them clean, and don’t forget about seasonal checks by a specialist.

Nobilex warranty – as clear as glass.