Firstly, the rule of wiping the windowsill with a soapy solution during general cleaning will help prevent stubborn stains and maintain a neat appearance of the windowsill.
Secondly, if stains appear, their removal should not be delayed. Over time, dirt can penetrate into the material, and then removing the stains will be much more difficult.
Thirdly, when removing stains from the windowsill, even already set stains, abrasive cleaning products should not be used as they can damage the top layer, resulting in even more dirt (the scratches on the surface attract fine dust, and the constantly dirty windowsill will become more irritating).
Therefore, here are the main recommendations for cleaning plastic windowsills: 👉 The most common “guests” on windowsills are stains from flower pots, which can leave yellowish marks underneath. It can be difficult to remove stubborn stains, but small ones can be easily cleaned with hydrogen peroxide applied to the surface for a few minutes. After that, rinse the area with clean water, and voilà — the windowsill looks like new. 👉 Windowsills in homes with children often suffer from markers and pens. The key is not to lose vigilance, as if the marker dries and sinks into the surface, it can leave permanent stains. To make life easier, vinegar or a universal melamine sponge can help. Fresh stains can be removed with an alcohol wipe. 👉 If the windowsill is dirty after renovation work, here are some methods to help: apply a cleaning agent to the entire surface for some time (so that the dirt softens in the solution), which will make removal easier. If the windowsill is matte, a toothbrush can gently and carefully help clean the dirt. Another method is to use a concentrated solution of household soap, which should be applied to the surface for about 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed well.
To all clean windowsills! 👌
And to explore the windowsill assortment from Nobilex, you can contact us at: 0800 33 82 17